Monetize your traffic and maximize your earnings

Through superior service and innovative technology, Credy helps you monetize your traffic in the best possible way.

With the confidence of a unified performance based advertising system.

Become an affiliate



Credy's international team will work with you to get the best results.

Credy offers the best level of service and has a proactive solution-oriented mindset.
We are committed to creating the most diverse, effective and well-connected affiliate network for financial services.
The team has a deep understanding of combining technology and communication, exposing crucial ideas in this dynamic field.
With this knowledge, we have the ability to deliver superior results for affiliates.

How we work with affiliates

Promote all types of campaigns easily with our unified system. When your audience follows the link we provide and converts, you will earn money. With every action delivered, your earnings will increase more and more.


What Credy offers affiliates

Credy works with all major lenders. Given their specific credit scoring systems it is possible to convert leads much more efficiently than with a single lender. Online lending is one of the best converting industries with very good commissions. On average, 10% of the working population within any market uses advance loans between 3-5 times a year, and that percentage continues to grow.

Higher exchange rates
Best Payments
Easy setup
Payments 100% on time
A wide range of tools

Our tools at your disposal


If you have a website about loans or other financial products, then you can seamlessly connect your audience with our unified lender platform. All you have to do is add our simple application form to your website and you'll start converting immediately. We'll provide you with a unique affiliate ID and login information to monitor real-time results across our affiliate network.

Our website

Your audience can also be directed to one of our multiple conversion pages that are continually improved through advanced experimentation to ensure optimal results.

Professional team

We have a professional programming, design and marketing service to help you maximize your profitability. This includes end-to-end support throughout the entire integration process with our platform to ensure you get the highest possible conversions

Do you want to learn more or have any questions?

contact us NOW